Thursday, September 24, 2009

Presentation presentation presentation...

I've finished almost all of my loose ends of my projects so these few days I've been concentrating on my presentation which is going to be next week Wednesday. I'm a worried about this presentation because it not going to be like in MMU where you'll be presenting to your friends; my lovely audience here would be senior mat-salleh engineers!

Talk about being pressured. Besides that, last week a guy from USM gave his presentation before leaving for Penang so me being a MMU student, I have to do better than him to show that we MMU-ians are better than those public university students! :P

I'm not really good at presenting so all your best wishes are very welcomed! :D

Wish me the best!

PS: Do you guys have end-of-internship-presentations for your company too?


  1. I have I have, mine one is the Wednesday after yours

  2. wish u best of the best of the best^^

  3. HanMing: Haha, cool. The other MMU students are having theirs the same time as you too. I wish you all the best!

    J10: lucky rascal :P thanks.

    May: :D


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