Thursday, June 25, 2009

Some interesting advert - T-Mobile Dance In Public (edited)

I'm going to deviate from Austin for this because this video is really cool! Watch it! J10 has the post on it...

Edited: Thanks to Kristin for showing me an EQUALLY cool train dancing with the Doremi song... I loved it! =D

Go here to see it, it's at the right side bottom video.


  1. there's been quite a number of these kind of surprise "dance" at different stations all over the world. I have a video of another one - to the DoReMi (sound of Music) song...cute eh? hehehe. Not ur "cool" T-Mobile though.

  2. DoReMi?? Erm... I'm not sure about that =P Hahaha

    WHy don't they do one at one of our LRT station in Malaysia? That would be REAL cool! XD

  3. wanna try that in the campus when you come back?

  4. Hmmm, tempting... but I can't dance, run maybe XD
    WHy don't we just run in one bunch of group all the sudden to all around the campus then sudden stop and disperse and act as if nothing happened! XD

  5. now that just would not make any sense would it?

    DoReMi is important, else would u learn the basic of music? Just the same as ABC. Try watching it in my blog.

  6. Erm, I had the ability since birth already =P hehehe...

    Where is the video thing?

  7. what video thing? u mean the DoReMi? it's on my blog (right hand side), the last video.


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